Distal Humerus Fractures - Trauma (2024)

Updated: Aug 11 2024

Tyler Paras MD
Leah Ahn MD
Joshua Blomberg MD

Distal Humerus Fractures


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Distal Humerus Fractures - Trauma (1)

Distal Humerus Fractures - Trauma (2)

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Distal Humerus Fractures - Trauma (4)

Distal Humerus Fractures - Trauma (5)

Distal Humerus Fractures - Trauma (6)

Distal Humerus Fractures - Trauma (7)

Distal Humerus Fractures - Trauma (8)

  • Summary

    • Distal Humerus Fractures are traumatic injuries to the elbow that comprise of supracondylar fractures, single column fractures, column fractures or coronal shear fractures.

    • Diagnosis is made with plain radiographs of the humerus and elbow. CT scan is helpful for intra-articular assessment and operative planning.

    • Treatment is usually open reduction and internal fixation.

  • Epidemiology

    • Incidence

      • accounts for 2% of all fractures

      • accounts for 30% of elbow fractures

      • incidence has been steadily increasing

    • Demographics

      • most common in young males and older females

    • Anatomic location

      • distal intercondylar fractures are the most common fracture pattern

  • Etiology

    • Pathophysiology

      • distal humerus fractures are traumatic injuries that include

        • supracondylar fractures

        • single column (condyle) fractures

        • bicolumnar fractures

        • coronal shear fractures

      • mechanism

        • low energy falls in elderly

        • high energy impact in younger population

      • pathoanatomy

        • elbow position affects fracture type

          • elbow flexed < 90°

            • axial load leads to transcolumnar fracture

            • direct posterior blow leads to olecranon fracture with or without distal humerus involvement

          • elbow flexed > 90°

            • may lead to intercondylar fracture

    • Associated injuries

      • elbow dislocation

      • terrible triad injury

      • floating elbow

      • Volkmann contracture

        • results from missed forearm compartment syndrome

  • Anatomy

    • Osteology

      • elbow is a hinged joint

      • articular surface is in

        • 6 degrees of valgus

        • 5 degrees of external rotation

        • 30 degrees of flexion

      • trochlea

        • articulates with sigmoid notch

        • allows for flexion and extension

      • capitellum

        • articulates with proximal radius

        • allows for forearm rotation

    • Ligaments

      • medial collateral ligament

        • anterior bundle originates from distal medial epicondyle

        • inserts on sublime tubercle

        • primary restraint to valgus stress at the elbow from 30-120°

        • tight in pronation

      • lateral collateral ligament

        • originates from distal lateral epicondyle

        • inserts on crista supinatorus

        • stabilizer against posterolateral rotational instability

        • tight in supination

    • Nerves

      • ulnar nerve

        • resides in the cubital tunnel in a subcutaneous position posterior to the medial condyle

      • radial nerve

        • anatomic landmarks

          • in the spiral groove 15cm proximal to distal humeral articular surface

          • 10cm from the medial edge of the olecranon

          • 7.5cm from the lateral edge of the olecranon

          • 3.9 cm (two finger-breadths) proximal to the triceps aponeurosis

        • runs between brachioradialis and brachialis proximal to elbow

        • posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve (PABCN) branches in the posterior arm

        • divides into PIN and superficial radial nerve at the level of the radial head

    • Blood supply

      • intraosseous and extraosseous blood supplies that may be compromised by the injury

  • Classification

    • Can be classified as

      • supracondylar fractures

      • distal single column fractures

        • 5% of fractures

        • subclassified using Milch classification system (see table)

        • lateral condyle more common than medial

      • distal bicolumnar fractures

        • classified using Jupiter classification system (see table)

        • 5 major articular fragments have been identified

          • capitellum/lateral trochlea

          • lateral epicondyle

          • posterolateral epicondyle

          • posterior trochlea

          • medial trochlea/epicondyle

      • AO/OTA Classification of Distal Humerus Fractures

      • Type A

      • Extra-articular (supracondylar fracture), 80% are extension type; epicondyle

      • Type B

      • Intraarticular- Single column (partial articular-isolated condylar, coronal shear, epicondyle with articular extension).

      • Type C

      • Intraarticular- Both columns fractured and no portion of the joint is contiguous with the shaft (complete articular)

      • Each type further divided by degree and location of fracture comminution

      • Milch Classification of Single Column Condyle Fractures

      • Milch Type I

      • Lateral trochlear ridge intact

      • Milch Type II

      • Fracture through lateral trochlear ridge

      • Jupiter Classification of Two-Column Distal Humerus Fractures

      • High-T

      • Transverse fx proximal to or at upper olecranon fossa

      • Low-T

      • Transverse fx just proximal to trochlea (common)

      • Y

      • Oblique fx line through both columns with distal vertical fx line

      • H

      • Trochlea is a free fragment (risk ofAVN)

      • Medial lambda

      • Proximal fx line exists medially

      • Lateral lambda

      • Proximal fx line exists laterally

      • Multiplane T (not pictured)

      • T type with an additional fracture in coronal plane

  • Presentation

    • Symptoms

      • elbow pain and swelling

    • Physical exam

      • check for open wounds, especially posteriorly

      • gross instability often present

        • avoid ROM due to risk of neurovascular damage

      • neurovascular exam

        • check function of radial, ulnar, and median nerves

        • check distal pulses

          • brachial artery may be injured

          • if pulse decreased, obtain noninvasive vascular studies and consult vascular surgery if abnormal

      • monitor carefully for forearm compartment syndrome

  • Imaging

    • Radiographs

      • recommended views

        • AP

          • ideally taken with 40 deg of flexion

        • lateral

      • additional views

        • humerus and forearm radiographs

        • wrist radiographs

          • obtain if elbow injury present or distal tenderness on exam

        • oblique radiographs

          • specifically used to evaluate if there is continuity of the trochlear fragment with the medial epicondylar fragment, this can influence hardware choice

        • traction radiograph

          • may assist with surgical planning

    • CT

      • indications

        • often obtained for surgical planning

          • especially helpful when shear fractures of the capitellum and trochlea are suspected

    • MRI

      • indications

        • usually not indicated in acute injury

  • Treatment

    • Nonoperative

      • cast immobilization

        • indications

          • nondisplaced Milch Type I fractures

        • technique

          • above elbow cast with close follow-up due to risk of displacement

    • Operative

      • closed reduction percutaneous pinning (CRPP)

        • indications

          • displaced Mich Type I fractures

      • open reduction internal fixation (ORIF)

        • indications

          • supracondylar fractures

          • intercondylar / bicolumnar fractures

          • Milch Type II fractures

      • total elbow arthroplasty

        • indications

          • distal comminuted bicolumnar fractures in low demand elderly patients

            • must be able to comply with weightbearing restriction

  • Techniques

    • Cast Immobilization

      • technique

        • immobilize in supination for lateral condyle fractures

        • immobilize in pronation for medial condyle fractures

    • Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF)

      • approach

        • posterior superficial approach

      • exposures

        • triceps-splitting (Campbell)

          • technique

            • split triceps tendon in midline down to olecranon

          • for open fractures, approach using the defect leads to better results than an osteotomy

        • triceps-sparing (paratricipital, Alonso-Llames, medial and lateral windows)

          • indications

            • extra-articular fractures

            • fractures with a simple articular split

          • technique

            • elevate triceps from the humerus using medial and lateral windows

            • can be converted to olecranon osteotomy if needed

        • olecranon osteotomy

          • indications

            • complex intra-articular fractures

            • fractures with a coronal splint

          • contraindications

            • total elbow arthroplasty is planned/may be required

          • technique

            • perform chevron (apex distal) osteotomy

            • fixation of osteotomy performed using a combination of screws, K wires, tension band or plate

          • complications

            • AIN nerve injury

              • check ability to flex thumb interphalangeal joint in recovery

            • symptomatic hardware (6-30%)

            • osteotomy nonunion (0-9%)

        • triceps-reflecting (Bryan-Morrey)

          • technique

            • reflect triceps tendon, forearm fascia, and periosteum off the olecranon from medial to lateral

            • repair through transosseous drill holes

            • immobilize to protect triceps repair for 4-6 weeks postoperatively

        • triceps-reflectinganconeuspedicle (O'Driscoll)

          • technique

            • elevate anconeous subperiosteally from proximal ulna

        • lateral muscles interval

          • technique

            • elevate the ECRB and part of the ECRL off of the supracondylar ridge

      • fixation

        • perform provisional reduction with k-wires

          • if metaphyseal injury is not comminuted, reducing one column to the metaphysis first may be beneficial

        • perform fixation of articular fragments with countersunk/headless screws

          • consider using positional screws when reducing trochlea to avoid narrowing it with compression

        • perform fixation of condyles and epitrochlear ridge

          • fix the lateral epicondyle using a tension band wire or plate

          • fix the articular segment to the shaft using two plates in orthogonal planes

            • new literature supports parallel plates for increased biomechanics strength

            • no difference in clinical outcomes between 90-90 and parallel plating

          • if the ulnar nerve contacts medial hardware during flexion/extension, can perform an ulnar nerve transposition

            • no difference between rates of post-operative ulnar neuritis with in situ release compared to transposition

            • no difference in patient-reported outcomes between transposition and in-situ release

        • locking plates are preferred for poor bone quality or comminution

      • postoperative

        • splint elbow in 70° of flexion

        • remove splint within 7-10 days post-operatively and initiate ROM exercises

          • if osteotomy performed

            • active and active-assisted flexion and extension for 6 weeks

            • no active extension against gravity or resistance

            • no restrictions to rotation

          • if osteotomy not performed

            • active motion against gravity without restrictions

            • no restrictions to rotation

        • start gentle strengthening program at 6 weeks and full strengthening program at 3 months

    • Semiconstrained Total Elbow Arthroplasty

      • indications

        • comminutedarticular fractures in osteoporotic bone

        • inflammatory conditions (e.g. RA)

      • complications specific to this treatment

        • activity restrictions (e.g. can not lift more than 10 pounds)

        • implant loosening

        • polyethylene wear

        • periprosthetic fracture

      • functional outcomes similar to salvage arthroplasty following failed ORIF

  • Complications

    • Elbow stiffness

      • most common (3-42%)

      • mean arc of motion is 90-106 degrees

      • treatment

        • static-progressive splinting

    • Heterotopic ossification

      • seen in 8%

      • routine prophylaxis is not warranted due to increased rate of nonunion in patients treated with indomethacin

      • risk factors

        • head injury

        • floating elbow injury

        • Type A and B fractures

        • delayed surgical fixation

    • Nonunion

      • low incidence (0-11%)

      • risk factors

        • excessive soft-tissue stripping

        • open fractures

        • comminution

        • low transcondylar or intercondylar fractures

      • treatment

        • revision ORIF with bone graft

    • Malunion

      • avoided by proper surgical technique

        • cubitus valgus (lateral column fractures)

        • cubitus varus (medial column fractures)

    • Anterior interosseous nerve injury

      • can be seen with olecranon osteotomy

    • Ulnar nerve injury (10-38%)

      • Postoperative ulnar nerve palsies are most often secondary due to traction during open reduction and internal fixation

    • Wound complications (up to 16%)

      • due to poor soft tissue envelope over posterior elbow

    • Infection

      • occurs in 0-14% of patients

    • Posttraumatic Arthritis

  • Prognosis

    • ORIF

      • majority of patients regain 75% of elbow motion and strength

        • goal is to restore elbow ROM 30-130° of flexion

    • Total elbow arthroplasty

      • has rates of implant survival >75% at 10 years if used with appropriate indications

      • expected ROM is 26-125 degrees

      • in patients > 65 years old functional outcomes were higher with TEA than ORIF at 2-year follow-up

    • "Bag of bones"

      • goal is a painless pseudoarthrosis

      • only fair functional outcomes

      • high rate of nonunion and later surgery

    • Unsatisfactory outcomes in up to 25%

      • treatment of these fractures is complex due to

        • low fracture line of one or both columns

        • metaphyseal fragmentation of one or both columns

        • articular comminution

        • poor bone quality

Technique Guide Distal Humerus Fracture ORIF Orthobullets Team Trauma - Distal Humerus Fractures
Technique Guide Hinged Elbow External Fixator Orthobullets Team Trauma - Distal Humerus Fractures


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EF L1\L2 Evidence Date
Trauma⎜Distal Humerus Fractures (ft. Dr. Joaquin Sanchez-Sotelo) Team Orthobullets 4 Trauma - Distal Humerus Fractures 19:27 min 10/18/2019 387 plays 4.2 (5)
Trauma⎪Distal Humerus Fractures Orthobullets Team Trauma - Distal Humerus Fractures 26:6 min 12/11/2019 1103 plays 5.0 (5)


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Distal Humerus Fractures - Trauma (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.